Food & Drink / Case studies

I'm in Season DEFRA


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Education and awareness campaign to encourage consumers to eat more seasonal produce via the I’m in Season DEFRA National Education Campaign.


We created a multi-faceted campaign for DEFRA that kicked off the foodie trend to eat seasonal fruit and vegetables.  We used a range of methods to target different segments using media relations, research and internal communications within a range of organisations to drive key messages. The anchor of DEFRA’s educational campaign was the “I’m in Season” website, which was used in all aspects of the campaign.

We worked closely with high-profile chefs encouraging them to demonstrate the benefits of eating seasonal and showcasing the best ways to use seasonal ingredients. It triggered conversation and the chefs continued to spread the word building the trend, and consequently generating a continuous stream of coverage that helped to educate consumers.

We used research to demonstrate the health benefits of eating locally grown-and seasonal food. To excite and educate younger consumers, we created the Food Dudes campaign where we worked to bring together the growing associations, education authorities and schools to encourage children to be excited about seasonal produce.

During the five-year programme, we generated a huge amount of press coverage and the idea of eating seasonally really gained momentum.

DEFRA Results

  • AVE: £1.1 million
  • No of articles: 406
  • Length of campaign: 3 Years

For a similar case study click here.

Image: Social Cut, Brand IG
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